Course title: HYDROLOGY
Semester: 3 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, fluid mechanics
Contact person: dr inż. Wiesław Fiałkiewicz wieslaw.fialkiewicz@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: Students will gain the knowledge about: i) basic physical principles of the water cycle, ii) processes of precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, ground-water flow, surface runoff and streamflow, iii) methods of measuring and estimating rates of hydrological processes. Practical skills to characterize catchments, determine basic hydrological quantities and predict hydrological phenomena will be developed
Full description: Definition of hydrology. Land phase of water cycle. Components of water balance. Hydrological characteristics of the catchments. Hydrometric measurements of water stages and discharges. Publishers of hydrometric measurements. Statistical analysis of water stage measurements. Rating curve. Non-stationarity of the rating curve. Methods for determining flows. Flows with a certain probability of excess. Uniformity of the random sample. Outflow and discharge measures. Mass curve and reservoir capacity. Flow duration curve. Extreme phenomena – low flows and floods. Conventional flows. Determination of flows for dimensioning of hydrotechnical objects. Simple forecasting relationships.
Bibliography: 1. Tim Davie. 2012. Fundamentals of hydrology, Second Edition, London, Routledge 2. Ponce, V. M. 1989. Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, 3. WMO-No 385. International glossary of hydrology, World Meteorological Organization, 2012
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: 1. The student knows and understands the processes and laws that determine the energy flow in the environment. 2. The student knows the principles of water circulation in geo-ecosystems. 3. The student knows the basic measurement methods and principles of hydrological data interpretation. 4. The student has knowledge about the measures and interpretation of outflow and flow. 5. The student has knowledge of duration curves.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Knowledge: written test on the issues taught in lectures (50%) Skills: Mark from report on hydrological study of catchment (50%)

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